Mr. Radar

Guardians of the…

Given the radar pulse returns of a satellite, determine its orbital parameters (assume two-body dynamics). Each pulse has been provided as:

The radar is located at Kwajalein, 8.7256 deg latitude, 167.715 deg longitude, 35m altitude.

Estimate the satellite's orbit by providing the following parameters:

at the time of the final radar pulse, 2021-06-27-00:09:52.000-UTC

Solution Statistics

observations 145
solves 5
points 304
average solve seconds 7694 seconds, or about 2 hours
stddev solve time 3978 seconds, or about 1 hour

Solutions Over Time

by time solve count solve percent
2021-06-27 16:00:00 UTC 1 20%
2021-06-27 17:00:00 UTC 3 60%
2021-06-27 18:00:00 UTC 4 80%
2021-06-27 19:00:00 UTC 5 100%
2021-06-27 20:00:00 UTC 5 100%

solving teams:

solved by 5 teams

team solved at it took
FluxRepeatRocket 2021-06-27 15:37:17 UTC 3470 seconds, or 0.96 hours
DiceGang 2021-06-27 16:37:33 UTC 7070 seconds, or 1.96 hours
vMag 2021-06-27 16:41:34 UTC 4549 seconds, or 1.26 hours
PPP 2021-06-27 17:26:23 UTC 10418 seconds, or 2.89 hours
Poland Can Into Space 2021-06-27 18:10:37 UTC 12964 seconds, or 3.6 hours